Quick start
Quick Start with Helm Chart
Clone/Copy Chart to your working directory
Execute command
Passing Kafbat-UI configuration as Dict
Create values.yml file
Install by executing command
helm install kafbat-ui kafbat-ui/kafka-ui -f values.yml
Passing configuration file as ConfigMap
Create config map
This ConfigMap will be mounted to the Pod
Install by executing the command
helm install kafbat-ui kafbat-ui/kafka-ui --set yamlApplicationConfigConfigMap.name="kafka-ui-configmap",yamlApplicationConfigConfigMap.keyName="config.yml"
Passing environment variables as ConfigMap
Create config map
Install by executing the command
helm install kafbat-ui kafbat-ui/kafka-ui --set existingConfigMap="kafbat-ui-helm-values"
Last updated
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