Without Docker

Build & Run Without Docker

Once you installed the prerequisites and cloned the repository, run the following steps in your project directory:

Running Without Docker Quickly

Execute the jar

java -Dspring.config.additional-location=<path-to-application-local.yml> --add-opens java.rmi/javax.rmi.ssl=ALL-UNNAMED -jar <path-to-kafbat-ui-jar>

Building And Running Without Docker

NOTE: If you want to get kafbat-ui up and running locally quickly without building the jar file manually, then just follow Running Without Docker Quickly

Comment out docker-maven-plugin plugin in api module pom.xml

  • Command to build the jar

Once your build is successful and the jar file named kafbat-ui-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar is generated inside kafbat-ui-api/target.

  • Execute the jar

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